Program development

Do you need access to short courses to manage a non-profit or gain managerial skills? Are you looking for ways to expand your offerings and reach more clients and adult learners? Do you want to think and act differently? We have collected some resources in this section that you might find useful. The resources are free or low cost. All are copyrighted with open access once you sign up.

Train the trainer programs

Learn facilitation and strengths-based strategies

Change it Up is a professional development course offered to educators and others working in the employment and social services fields. It helps participants learn how to facilitate the Change it Up curriculum focused on helping learners and clients develop positive strengths-based perspectives and strategies to support their education and employment goals. The course is free for now with funding from Skills for Success. Register here.

Copyrighted with access to FREE resources when signed up for training, which was free in 2024.

Financial literacy facilitator program

Prosper Canada offers a variety of resources and training opportunities to teach facilitators how to support the financial needs and interests of adult learners and clients. "All Prosper Canada trainings are intended for practitioners supporting clients living on low-incomes. Prosper Canada curriculum and tools are for non-profit use only, and are not to be delivered or distributed for a fee."

Courses are either free or have a nominal fee ($56.50).

Copyrighted with access to FREE resources when signed up for training.

Access small business and employment materials from Google to run a workshop

Google has created what it calls a partnership program, encouraging community organizations to use their resources to facilitate workshops focused on running a small business and hiring processes. Google supplies slides and handouts for the workshop, training for facilitators, promotional materials and on-going support in their partnership community. They also encourage groups to register their workshop and earn points. You have to apply to gain access to the resources. Once you are accepted, you can access all resources without registering your workshop. 

You can also learn more about the Google certificate program designed to help people gain career oriented skills. Scholarships are also available.

Courses for managing and growing your program

Service design course for any non-profit

Looking to drive meaningful change in your organization's mission and outcomes? Check out the RISE Program, an online service design process that you and your colleagues can use to better understand client and student needs, and better design your services. Although it was originally developed for the immigrant services sector, any non-profit can get an account and benefit.

Copyrighted with access to FREE resources when signed up for training.

Charity Village courses for non-profit management

Charity Village offers a variety of fee-paying courses to help you manage your program. "If you’re looking for practical, high-quality training in the fundamentals, without spending major dollars on course fees and travel, eLearning at CharityVillage® is for you and your team. Each course is packed with solid information and practical resources that you can download and keep on hand for future reference. They are also self-paced, meaning that you can choose to take the course in one sitting, or complete it at your own pace." 

Copyrighted with access to resources when signed up for training.

How to evaluate new programs and services

Prosper Canada, the financial empowerment organization, has created a practical program evaluation guide that people can use when implementing new programs and services. "Your evaluation is only as good as the planning you do at the beginning. Planning your evaluation will help you get valid data in order to strengthen your program, ensure accountability to your stakeholders and demonstrate that your program made a difference." Although designed to evaluate a financial literacy program, the tools can be used for other types of programs. 

Copyrighted and available without an account.

Thinking and acting differently

Diversity and inclusion workshops

"See Different was a successful high school diversity and inclusion training program offered in five school boards in Ontario." The materials can also work with adults. The program was rebranded and updated and is now available here, but the original materials are available . "Each toolkit contains professional development learning resources, a facilitator manual for each activity, student handouts, and a corresponding PowerPoint presentation that includes embedded multi-media resources (e.g. videos, images)."

Copyrighted with personal access and use allowed. 

Statement from CCDI: You may link to the resources, download them for personal use, or use a quote from a document only if you include attribution and the page URL. Contact for additional uses.

Indigineous knowledge and perspectives

Aboriginal worldviews and education is "intended for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal learners. This course will explore indigenous ways of knowing and how they can benefit all students. Topics include historical, social, and political issues in Aboriginal education; terminology; cultural, spiritual and philosophical themes in Aboriginal worldviews; and how Aboriginal worldviews can inform professional programs and practices, including but not limited to the field of education."

Copyrighted with access to resources when signed up for training.

Understanding the policy making process

In the course Using public policy for social change you'll learn:

Copyrighted with access to resources when signed up for training.

Do you know of other OER that we can add to this page? Get in touch: