Level 2

Responding to Current Events.docx

Lesson sequence to support written responses to current events 

This lesson from the from the College, Career and Community Writers Program (C3WP) can be used each time you cover a current event. It is referred to as a lesson sequence. Here is what the developer writes: "This lesson sequence sets up a framework for working with a current event and a companion article. The lesson sequence can be a simple one-day routine writing event or a series of two or three days to develop an argument. The depth of the writing will vary depending on what you decide to do with students."

No copyright or licensing information provided.

Video that introduces argument writing using current events 

The lesson developer has also posted a video introducing the importance of argument writing. She describes how to use current events and how to chose topics that would be interesting for her students. 

Note: The sample topic in the lesson sequence is focused on Pokémon Go. Of course many other topics of interest to adults can readily work. 

Focus on paragraph structures

Driving Digital Learning  has a very useful section on paragraph writing with slides and templates. You can preview all materials on the site. They are also in our Google Drive folder.

License - CC-BY 4.0

Write paragraphs to express opinions and support arguments

Writing into the Day Menu from the College, Career and Community Writers Program (C3WP) is a set of example lesson routines that can be used to deepen and strengthen paragraph writing. While there are numerous resources on the C3WP site, most are designed to work in K-12 systems. The lesson routines offer more flexibility. Take a look at the template for an overview of the lesson routine that involves reading and viewing sources to learn more about an issue, discussion, organizing thoughts and writing.  Also included are a set of slides that can be used as mini-lessons to teach learners how to develop the following argument skills and strategies: writing claims, writing commentary, illustrating, using signal phrases, authorizing and countering. One of the most developed examples and a good place to start is Bottled or Tap Water. Once you try this lesson, you can build your own lessons on various topics or adapt some of the example lessons provided. Also a good example is Retire the penny, which contains a link to a video to start the lesson and expert claims already gathered for the lesson.

No copyright or licensing information provided.


Word-to-sentence-to-paragrpah writing

This open source workbook uses "form-focused instruction  for word-to-sentence-to-paragraph writing." It also covers parts of speech, sentence word order, spelling and paragraph writing. The content and approach works just as well for adult literacy as ESL.

License - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Complete introductory academic writing course

Introduction to academic writing is a complete semester-long course presented on a website. Although it targets English language learners, the focus on academic writing also makes it useful for adult literacy learners. In addition, all components can be modified, allowing you to delete some of the grammar sections. The website/course has the the following components:

Textbook/workbook in Docs that can be modified (4 units)

Slide presentations providing an overview and mini-lectures

Google Form quizzes

Course syllabus and schedule

Creative and free writing prompts

The textbook/course book is in Google Drive

License - CC-BY-NC-SA 

Amalgamation 2023.pdf

From paragraphs to essays 

The developer writes: "Each two-week unit integrates vocabulary, grammar, and composition in a "just in time" fashion so that students receive instruction on the key tools they need in order to accomplish new writing goals. The lessons cover a basic essay, narrative essay, process essay, and compare/contrast essay. There is also a final one-week unit devoted to editing and proofreading skills."

License - CC-BY-NC-SA 

ELL Supports for Writing and Discussion.pdf

Scaffolds to support writing development

This document found on the site Achieve the Core is a collection of frames, sentence starters and signal words that you can use when helping learners develop their writing abilities. 

No copyright or licensing statement on this document. According to the Terms of Use, materials without a copyright statement "have been dedicated to the public domain." 

Text features.structures.pdf

Collection of useful tools and strategies

This collection of information from the Literacy Leader contains several very useful strategies and tools including a pre-writing strategy, text structures, graphic organizers, signal words and frames for writing.

The collection has no copyright information but individual elements do. Most are copyrighted and developed for free instructional use.

Editing Checklist.pdf

PDF fillable editing checklist

Here is a useful form fillable editing checklist from the site ReadWriteThink. The original source has additional resources and tips for teachers.

Copyrighted. Created for educational use and reproduction.

Picture prompts from The New York Times

145 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing is a "school year’s worth of short, accessible image-driven posts that invite a variety of kinds of writing from the New York Times." The prompts can be used for short, engaging and more spontaneous responses. The comments could also be used a models of writing that can be discussed and analyzed with learners. Ideas for using the prompts are also included: How to Teach With Our Picture Prompts (and Other Times Images). 

Copyrighted. Share links.

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