Numeracy in everyday life
Everyday Math Skills series from the Northwest Territories Literacy Council
This very useable and engaging series of workbooks integrates math and arithmetic skills into everyday applications. The following skills are embedded into engaging and authentic activities: addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, order of operations, rounding off, estimation, reading charts, fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, metric measurement and problem solving.
No copyright. Permission granted to use without restrictions.

Topics include measurement, environmental math (water use and garbage) and paying bills.

Topics include shopping, measurement and nutrition.

Topics include personal finances, saving money and consumer math.
Financial knowledge and tools for people living on low incomes from Prosper Canada
Prosper Canada is a one-stop shop for financial information, tools and learning resources that you can use with adult literacy students living on low incomes. Many other financial literacy tools and resources either don't consider the knowledge and strategies of people on low incomes or provide advice based the circumstances of people with higher incomes. Both approaches can be financially and personally harmful. Read their overview describing knowledge on the financial literacy needs of people living on low incomes and how best to meet them.
Help learners access the benefits they are entitled to
The Benefits Wayfinder from Prosper Canada is an online questionnaire that will help adult learners learn about and access all the benefits they are entitled to.
An accompanying set of resources for support agencies is also available. Here you will find the following:
Information about participating in a course to help people access benefits
Introduce learners to the Canadian banking system
This online and interactive resource is for learners who are using the Canadian banking system for the first time, whether they are newcomers or young adults gaining independence. Five modules are included:
The course can be shared and embedded on a website by request.
Use Prosper Canada's collection of tools to support individual circumstances and questions
Also from Proper Canada is a comprehensive collection of PDF tools (many are fillable) that will help you provide individualized information to respond to learners' particular questions and circumstances.

Complete workshop for young adults
Financial Basics workshop is a money management workshop to help young adults make smart financial decisions. The topics covered are budgeting, saving, credit, investing, fraud prevention, and financial planning. The Financial Basics e-Learning Project was jointly developed by The Chang School at Ryerson University and the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada with the assistance of the Ontario Securities Commission.
Access PDF manuals, slides and videos online:
Level - Likely for those in secondary and postsecondary preparation programs. You can preview the participants' workbook to gauge difficulty.

Tools for parents who can save for their children's education
Smart Saver helps families with modest and low incomes to access savings knowledge and products for postsecondary education. One of the main products is the Canada Learning Bond, which will grant up to $2,000 to those who have an RESP. Here are some useful resources:
The website My Smart Future to help open an RESP and apply for the Canada Learning Bond
Smart Saver RESP savings calculator
Smart Saver eligibility calculator
Education savings infographic available in the preview
Learn about taxes
The Canada Revenue Agency has developed an online learning course to help people learn about the tax system. The course will likely need educator support and direction. It isn't designed to be self-directed. It sits on the Government of Canada website and can be challenging to navigate. It includes lesson plans and videos. Content could be re-presnted in an easier to navigate format.
Terms and conditions - Free to use in any format with attribution and links to the original content but no derivatives and no commercial uses.
Bank tutorials
Each of Canada's largest banks has comprehensive online tutorials to support online banking. They are organized a little differently but all contain clear directions and screenshots, helping learners recognize the interface, terminology and processes used by their bank. Click on the logos below or the links to access the sites.