New resources

We add new (and new to us) resources regularly! 

Added June 2024

Educator resources > Teaching literacy

Two comprehensive guides from Calgary's CanLearn Society will help you develop a rigorous approach to reading instruction for both adults with learning challenges and those who are beginning to read.

Added May 2024

Foundational digital skills > Internet

An introduction to AI (videos and lessons) from Common Sense Education.

Mathematics and numeracy > Numeracy

Bank tutorials from BMO, CIBC, HSBC, RBC, Scotiabank and TD to support online banking.

Added February, 2024

Writing instruction > Level 1

Cursive writing introduction from the Ontario Native Literacy Coalition.

Empowering learners > Family literacy

Family literacy activities from Laubach Literacy Ontario.

Reading instruction > Level 2

An online and PDF version of the Viola Desmond story.

Literacy development supports > Phonics and spelling

Making Sense of Decoding and Spelling: An Adult Reading Course of Study is a complete course with a teaching guide, detailed lesson plans and a learner activity book.

Added December 2023

Mathematics and numeracy > Level 3 

The Dartmouth Learning Network in Nova Scotia has created online math modules covering topics tested in the GED.

Mathematics and numeracy > Level 2 

The Dartmouth Learning Network also has math modules covering the following topics: fractions, decimals, percentages, managing money, banking transactions, measurement, area and perimeter, data and statistics and probability.

Foundational digital skills > Internet

Introduction to Cybersecurity is designed as a workshop that you can deliver. Each online module has a video presentation, a set of slide illustrations and a quiz. In addition, the information is available in print form. The PDFs are available in a Google folder.

Added August 2023

Foundational digital skills > Internet

Teach digital media awareness with some great resources from the Canadian organization Ctrl-F. "False and misleading information is rampant online, and people lack the skills and motivation to determine what to trust. To build the next generation of informed citizens, we need to adopt new ways to teach digital media literacy and source evaluation." 

General knowledge content > Canadian media, history and Indigenous knowledge

The Indigenous Cultural Education Toolkit produced by The Ontario Native Literacy Coalition (ONLC) will "provide understanding of Indigenous world views and promote cultural consciousness." It is filled with activities you can use with learners and for your own professional learning.

Foundational digital skills and knowledge > Mobile devices

Metro Toronto Movement for Literacy (MTML) has developed a comprehensive, engaging and very useful set of learning modules to help learners use their smartphones. The resource also includes information for educators, trainers and services providers.

Added April 2023

Reading instruction > Level 2

A Closer Read is a  reading strategies collection that could readily be used as a course. It includes a student workbook, teacher book, audio files and vocabulary practice using Quizlet.

Reading instruction > Level 3

Read Faster, Understand More is a comprehensive set of materials focused on developing reading skills and strategies to prepare for college entry. The workbook/textbook and accompanying Quizlets and Slides could be used as the basis of a course.