Wellness and connection
Building community for learning and well-being
The collection of resources focused on building community is designed to help educators "build a reflective and caring community" in their classes and learning groups. Although originally designed for high school and middle school students, most topics and learning process (e.g., reflection, discussion, journaling, etc.) can be used with adult learners.
Facing History and Ourselves is a US based organization that "uses lessons of history to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate." They offer in-person and virtual training to teachers in addition to extensive teaching materials. The Canadian site is also featured in this collection.
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Resources that address the impacts of violence and trauma on learning
The Learning and Violence Action (LAVA) network provides a variety of resources that you can use to support adult learners who have experienced any form of trauma or violence that interferes with learning. "Violence is anything that objectifies people, other creatures, or the earth - seeing that being as a thing to use, exploit, or damage." The resources were specifically designed for those who "learn, teach, counsel, or support learning and change in any role." Watch the video on the left for more information.
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The Helping myself learn kits are excellent resources that you can use with adult learners. Each kit contains an animated video focused on specific impacts of violence and trauma that might surface in a learning situation. In addition to the videos, support materials for educators and learners are provided. Click on the titles below to access additional resources on the LAVA site.
The science and practice of hope
A professor of psychology has shared tools (goals and hope worksheets) to accompany his book Hope Rising: How the Science of Hope Can Change Your Life. Learn more from the TEDx talk on the left. Hope, he argues isn't an emotion but a cognitive and behavioural practice. "Hope is the belief that the future will be better than today and you have the power to change it." Hopefulness, particularly in the face of trauma, can be nurtured by creating meaningful goals, finding and navigating pathways and drawing on sources of mental energy and willpower. One of the aims of the approach is to integrate it into social services and education as part of client and student intake processes. The following resources could be useful:
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Inuit perspectives
We found the following resources on the old Copian site (Copian was a nationally funded repository of adult literacy resources that ceased operations in 2014). The series of booklets were written by an Inuit elder, Meeka Arnakaq. Although the main audience is Inuit adult learners, the knowledge and wisdom shared by the author can be appreciated by other audiences. Readers might enjoy learning about Inuit culture and values. The booklets are also beautifully illustrated.
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Healthy Lifestyles



A collection of activities that you can integrate into your classes and groups
The SEAL (social-emotional academic learning) handbook was created by an adult education program in New York City. We have also featured some of their GED resources in this collection. The handbook is a Google Site with downloadable PDFs stored on a Google Drive.
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Toolkit to help Muslim women respond to Islamophobia
"Rivers of Hope is an arts-based educational organization that was established in Toronto in 2018." Their mission is to "leverage the expressive power of the arts to inspire young people to build classrooms and communities where everyone belongs."
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Self-advocacy training program for youth and adults with disabilities
My History, Our Future is a comprehensive video based self-advocacy training program for youth and adults with disabilities, in addition to their supporters. Although it was developed a decade ago, it maintains its relevance. The complete playlist is on You Tube. We found the workbooks and facilitator's guide on the old Copian site (Copian was a nationally funded repository of adult literacy resources that ceased operations in 2014).
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Facilitator's guide

Activity workbook 1